(Will be expanded in the future.)
(Also this isn't sorted in any way.)

Cute song, but I really love the music video. Teto is so cute, and does so cute dances, and... I just love it :3.

Ten Ten Tengoku Jigoku Kuni
Aiobahn +81 feat. Nanahira & Pmarusama
I love the dynamic between Nanahira and Pmarusama in this song, and it's also really catchy~.
Oh and it's Nanahira and Pmarusama in a song by Aiobahn, which already means that it's good.

This makes me somehow feel...nostalgic...and also at peace... Apparently it's a song for "Maimaimaigoen", which is a multimedia series from Sanrio, which I didn't know before.

Supernova x Renai Circulation
Moe Shop
yes. weeb song #1. But for some reason I really like this mashup. Maybe because I feel a bit nostalgic about EDM music and Monstercat. And because I'm a weeb. And Supernova is still a great song. So is Renai Circulation.
(The link goes to a reupload to the song for ease of use. The original is from here.)

momone chinoi
nya nyaa~. Definitely gives 2000s vibes, and for some reason it also feels nostalgic? Like that I've heard it in my childhood, even though it only came out 2024.

Kisaragi Attention
Probably my favorite Kagerou Project song. I find the story of the song and MV great (I don't know much about the Kagerou Project, so I'm just guessing things here). I also really like the More More Jump cover of the song.

MY Heart Rate
This wasn't the first Touhou songs I heard, but it was the first one that stuck in my ear and that got me really interested into Touhou.

Kawaikute Gomen
Sorry for being cute~. This song always motivates me to be more of myself, to be cute.

I hate this song (in a good way). It always gives me these "weird" vibes, and for some reason I also always think that someone's ringing at my door when I hear the song.